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Enhancing Sports Analysis Education: St. Mary’s University

sports analysis courses at st. mary´s university help to enhance team performance analysis

In the ever-evolving world of sports analysis, education plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of this field. At St. Mary’s University, a commitment to providing students with a real-world sports analysis experience has led to a partnership with Metrica Sports, a leading organization in sports analysis technology. In this opportunity, we explore the perspectives of Patrick Oxenham, a senior lecturer at St. Mary’s University, Rianna Galvin, the course lead for the Sport Force Analysis Talent Identification program, and Tom Stevenson, a student enrolled in the Sports Performance Analysis and Talent Identification undergraduate program. Together, they shed light on the importance of this partnership and the impact of Metrica Sports’ solutions on sports analysis education.

Enhancing the Student Experience

Play by Metrica Sports is not just a tool for professional coaches and analysts, but also an invaluable asset for universities dedicated to delivering top-notch educational experiences to their students pursuing careers in sports analytics and related fields.

Patrick Oxenham underscores the importance of partnering with Metrica Sports to enhance the student experience. Particularly, he believes that Metrica Sports’ technology plays a vital role in building skill sets within students that are directly applicable to the sports analysis industry. By creating applied workflows that mirror real-world scenarios, St. Mary’s University ensures that students are well-prepared so to enter the field.

Addressing Assessment Challenges

sports analysis software

One of the key challenges that St. Mary’s University aimed to address was enhancing their assessment provision. Patrick highlights the importance of designing assessments that allow students to develop applied skill sets and as well as practice scenarios they will encounter in their future careers. Metrica Sports’ solutions have played a crucial role in helping students apply their knowledge to practical presentations, closing the gap between academia and industry.

The Role of Analysis in Coaching

Being that, at St. Mary’s University, analysis is seen as a core component of the coaching process. Patrick emphasizes that technology, including Metrica Sports, has transformed the landscape of performance analysis. Metrica Sports supports various facets of the coaching process, from pre-match analysis to live analysis and post-match analysis. This integration enhances both the efficiency and effectiveness of coaching workflows.

Seamless Integration into Workflows

performance analysis process during the course

Patrick highlights the seamless integration of Metrica Sports into their workflows at St. Mary’s University. The software complements existing tools, making it easy to import clips, create telestrations, and export presentations for coaches and players. As a matter of fact, he swift turnaround time of 5 to 10 minutes is a testament to Metrica Sports’ ease of use.

Types of Presentations Created

Metrica Sports empowers St. Mary’s University to create a variety of presentations centered around analysis. These include opposition analysis on teams or players and post-match presentations highlighting key principles or philosophies. Hence, the ability to import clips, add telestrations, and export efficiently is a critical consideration in choosing Metrica Sports for their workflows.

Enhancing Visualizations

Metrica Sports offers a wide range of visualizations and telestrations to enhance presentations. Patrick mentions the use of magnifier demonstrations to highlight players and the measurement of distances between units. Additionally, the inclusion of club badges adds a professional touch to their presentations, making them more impactful.

Additional Features and Services

Patrick acknowledges the value of Metrica Sports’ cloud function, which allows them to upload and access games easily. This feature enhances data analysis modules and contributes to a richer student experience. The tracking data functions further elevate their workflows, aligning with the university’s commitment to staying at the forefront of sports analysis technology.

Positive Student Feedback

Rhiana Galvin, the course lead for the Sport Force Analysis Talent Identification program, shares insights into how students perceive Metrica Sports. The feedback from students has been indeed overwhelmingly positive. They appreciate the opportunity to work with Metrica Sports within their performance and analysis modules. Students report that Metrica Sports has significantly enhanced their skill sets, presentation delivery, and industry readiness. This feedback reaffirms the impact of the partnership on students’ experiences and future careers.

Real-World Application

Metrica Sports bridges the gap between academia and the real world of sports analysis, according to Rhiana. The challenge of integrating real-world experiences into the classroom is met through Metrica Sports’ tools, ensuring that students are well-prepared for careers in sports analysis.

Every university can grant students their personal licenses for Play by Metrica Sports data coaching and analytical platform, or deploy multiple licenses within the classroom, making sports analytics course materials easily accessible to all. Thanks to cutting-edge cloud-sharing technology, students can access video resources seamlessly across the network.

Student Perspectives

Tom Stevenson, a student enrolled in the Sports Performance Analysis and Talent Identification program, shares his experiences with Metrica Sports. He highlights the software’s simplicity and ease of use, markedly a crucial factor in an industry where quick turnaround times are essential. Tom appreciates the wide range of demonstrations available, which aid in effectively conveying analysis points in pre-match and post-match scenarios.

The Importance of Analysis in Coaching

Tom emphasizes the overall vital role of analysis in the coaching process. Whether informing halftime decisions during live matches or shaping training drills based on post-match analysis, Metrica Sports plays a significant role in improving performance outcomes.

Seamless Learning Experience

Learning to use Metrica Sports was a straightaway process for Tom. He found the software intuitive and quick to learn, taking only about half an hour to become proficient. This ease of use and quick turnaround are crucial in high-pressure sports environments.


The partnership between St. Mary’s University and Metrica Sports evidently exemplifies the commitment to providing students with a cutting-edge education in sports analysis. Through the perspectives of Patrick Oxenham, Rhiana Galvin, and Tom Stevenson, we’ve gained insight into the significance of this collaboration. Metrica Sports’ solutions enhance students’ skill sets and bridge the gap between academia and industry, preparing the next generation of sports analysts for success. As a result, as technology continues to shape the field of sports analysis, partnerships like this one ensure that students remain at the forefront of innovation.

For a comprehensive look, check out the St Mary’s University video report below:

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