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Corrected Tracking Data: Generate your own tracking data for individual and physical analysis

Add an extra information layer to your tracking data

You are probably aware of what Automated Tracking Data (ATD) is: you upload a game to the Cloud Engine, it tracks the ball and the players, separates them by team, and calibrates the pitch automatically. You get the coordinates of all players for every frame, great for team analysis, but it lacks IDs for individual player analysis.

So, for that, we’re launching a feature to add player identification on top of that ATD, that allows the workflow of adding the names for every track.

ATD is mainly used for team analysis. Analysis at the collective level that allows you to analyze, for example, how a team builds up when they are in high pressure or the spaces when they switch the ball to the other side, things like that. Team dynamics, team spaces, team creation, space creation, etc.

However, Corrected Tracking Data (CTD) can be used for the same, but also at the individual level. So, you can analyze the data to see what a specific player is doing when the ball is on the right wing.

And not only that. ATD is useful for tactical analysis, but Corrected Tracking Data can also be used for physical analysis.

In Play by Metrica Sports for example, there’s a physical module to create your own physical reports of the game, and you can see distance run by players in at different speed ranges, maximum speed, average speed, all sorts of things that you can build it yourself and the software calculates this for you.

So ATD is for team analysis and Corrected Tracking Data adds the analysis layer at the individual level and also for physical performance analysis.

What Corrected Tracking Data can do for you

Some use case examples of CTD from our current users:

  • Own team analysis: Monitoring your players’ performance on games, whether physical or tactical concepts.
  • Opponent analysis: Check their different tactical details when different players are in the lineup. Ex: What happens when full back A plays instead of full back B.
  • Scouting: Upload a few games from an interesting player in Cloud Engine. Correct the track of the player. Evaluate their physical performance in games. Check their tactical behavior in specific game situations.

Whatever the use case, now Metrica Sports provides anyone with a tool to correct the tracking data in a matter of minutes: Tracking Data Correction Manager.

An affordable and independent way to get the data

Different plans are available to fit your specific needs. If you are interested in this Tracking Data Correction Manager, want to have early access, please reach out to us. Our team will get in touch and provide you early access to the tool, so you can test it and see if it’s interesting and useful for you.

As always, thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our community. We’re excited to bring you more updates and improvements in the future.