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A wonderful day for Play

Today we are releasing Play 2.5, powered with new improved visualizations. A powerful new way to engage with your team.

It has always been our dream to deliver cutting-edge video technology to all coaches and players around the world. Play 2.5 by Metrica Sports, is a step further for coaches and players to have access to powerful and professional graphics for video analysis, but a platform that shows them the essential facts in a simple, visual and intuitive way.

Learn how to start adding the new visualizations to your playlists with this 2 minute video:

If you don’t have an account yet, create one to check it out!
If you have an account, download the latest version of Play!

Remember that we have a solution for every budget, including our FREE version of the software. This allows everyone at the club to use the same platform, from the U10’s to the First Team!
We want to change the whole market. We want to level the playing field. Furthermore, we want to keep on building software that the best teams in the world want to use, but we also want that software to be accessible to everyone.

With more than 100 clubs using Metrica Sports software and services every month in 30+ countries, we see it as our duty to ensure our product is more accessible, reliable, and delightful to use than ever before.

We’ll continue to invest in building and delivering top-notch software and technology!


About Metrica Sports:

Metrica Sports was founded in 2014 by CEO Ruben Saavedra, CTO Bruno Dagnino and CMO Enzo Angilletta. Metrica uses artificial intelligence to bring insights and performance improvements to clubs, academies and athletes all over the world. The vision of the founders is to give cutting-edge video and data analysis solutions to every coach, analyst and player in the world.